Eliciting Interest for a Badminton Tournament

Dear Zugers,
Hope you all are safe & healthy and strictly following the hygiene protocols of Covid per recommendations from BAG!
Covid`s onslaught for the past 2 years has been quite painful on humanity and has been unprecedented for our generations.
One of the most unique and critical virtue of mankind is that we remain hopeful 😊 and this situation is no different for us. At AISCZ we have charted out for a lot of fun filled activities/events/tournaments for 2022. As per event calendar we planned to have Badminton Tournament besides a Cricket Tournament and Holi event in 1st Quarter of 2022.
We endeavour to hold minimum one Badminton Tournament every year to promote this sport and would like to have an inaugural Tournament at the onset of 2022. However, that will depend on 2 important factors, firstly interest shown by you in participation and secondly Covid guidelines issued by BAG. Tournament envisaged actually would be open for all genders and age groups. Depending on the number of participants in each category, there will be 4 categories viz. for Junior Girls, Junior Boys, Women & Men. We`ll also review on the possibility of doubles and mixed doubles after reviewing the responses.
To elicit interest of Zugers and people residing around Zug area we have created a simple form where in we are just seeking very basic info from the willing participants. This info would be used to work on infrastructure and structure of the Tournament. We reiterate that we shall hold the tournament only after getting clearance from the Gemeinde authorities and when we are confident that there is no/minimum risk to the participants, volunteers and organisers.
Info provided by you will be kept confidential and will be only used for the aforesaid purposes and will be trashed after the tournament.
Should you need any further clarifications, please reach out at :
Email : contact@aiscz.ch
Mobile : 0797046881, 0798329872